Welcome to Scarlet Cord

Hello! My name is Kris Keese and thank you for visiting my little blog where I share my needle felted and now watercolor journey as well as a few of those life experiences along the way. Please let me know you were here-I would love to hear from you!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Little Wrens

So last week, after struggling with acrylic paint, I was ready to give up. I did a couple of watercolor birds but tried acrylics this week again and felt so much more successful.  I love little wrens and I love terra cotta pots. I definitely prefer the look of a watercolor terra cotta pot vs the look of it in acrylic but both birds were fun. Sweet little brown birds!!

Saturday, March 21, 2020


I decided to try acrylic painting. Very, very different from watercolor. I love that you can go over and fix any mistakes or areas that just aren't working and I love the use of brush strokes and the texture of the paint but I miss the lightness and magic of watercolor. 

I am selling the prints of my originals in my Etsy Shop

This Little Chickadee is painted over a Blue Bird that 
just would not look right. 

I had fun using a palette knife for the background.
I used a palette knife to make this painting and like I said, 
I love the texture and movement.

Monday, January 13, 2020


A little update...In 2018 I branched out and opened another Etsy shop named Scarlet Cord Paints. As a little experiment, I started selling my watercolor prints. I had gotten an urge to paint one of our daughter Martha's wedding pictures and then just kept going. Of course, then what do I do with all those paintings I want to paint? Well, the same thing I do with all the needle felting that I love doing. I sell them:)  As always it has been an exciting and sometimes frustrating experience but I am loving it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tooth Mouse

My original Pin Keep Mouse

Custom order for a Tooth Mouse Box.
Known as Raton Perez in Latin culture:)

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Hello Again

My favorite room...a place for me to be organized, to be inspired and to create. 

I converted the sun room into my craft room in our new home.  I still call it our new home even though we have been living here almost three years. How did that time go by so fast.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Pineapple Afghan Hand Delivered to Papua New Guinea or Our Visit to Family on the Mission Field

Okay, the afghan is only a small part of our trip but I really needed an interesting title. 

 I ended up finishing the afghan while I was with our daughter and her family. The kids were very interested in how I was making it so they will definitely think of Nana when they cuddle under it. SMART! plus I just didn't get it finished in time:)  What I was working on instead of the afghan will be a post for another time.

We were on the island for 10 days and were privileged to be present for the new church's first baptism.

Brandon, our son-in-law and Wayne 

The new believers:)

Rachel amazes me with all the meal making. Homemade Cheesy Italian Bread for the next day
and  pizza dough in the background for Pizza Night:)
I was on dish duty (taking over for my granddaughter) and my goodness were there
always a lot of dirty dishes!

 Oriental noodles, homemade spring rolls and yellow watermelon.

Ladies Bible Study

Rachel and Gail helping the ladies with their study.

Sunday morning at church

This is the little boat that was used to get us to the island.  John and I sat in the back third of the boat with 4 other people and gas tanks, our luggage and supplies were in the middle and the front was empty to keep waves from flowing in. 
 The water was pretty rough and turned a four hour trip into an eight hour thoroughly wet
experience.  Completely worth every moment to get to see our Rachie and family.

Big boat-Much nicer experience on the way back, smoother, nothing got wet and there
were seats to sit on:)

Loving this!

A special moment. These two were singing to me on the boat.

Family Pictures the day before we left -
at New Tribes' base camp in Wewak

Our move is finally getting close, in fact next time I post, it should be from our new home
in Georgia. I am so excited!!